iot concept at a glance

Everyday objects are being connected to the Internet so they are able to identify themselves to other devices to make themselves visible and remotely controllable. Consequently, any object that can digitally represent itself becomes something greater than the object by itself.

Internet of Things (IoT) is all about connecting objects to the Internet in order to collect and exchange valuable data so that new value opportunities are created in every business sector. The basic concepts behind the IoT initiative involve a big amount of devices that are already operating or will soon be ready in the world, and that those decvices are connected to the Internet to facilitate data exchange to drive visualization, optimization and autonomy of those devices.

IOT graphic

elite sistemas' solutions are focused on enabling those devices to:

  • - sistematically gather and analyze data from local sensors and machines;
  • - obtain valuable information from multisensor environments;
  • - and connect to any upper level system, cloud based or installed in a “local” server, so they can unleash their potential by sharing valuable information to take better decisions or being remotely controlled. 


elite sistemas contribution: IOT2000® industrial nanogateway platform

Designed with one of the smallest footprint of the market (3.9 x 4.5 cm), the elite sistemas IOT2000® module includes two application ready low-power, battery-operable, 32-bit microcontrollers, GPRS cellular data and WiFi, and increased input/output options for industrial applications.

Designed to be installed in the most demanding environments (industrial, farmlands, onboard), the IOT2000® module and application boards are qualified over an industrial temperature range (-40 °C to +85 °C).

The elite sistemas IOT2000® module is the first dual asymmetric core module for real-time industrial IoT applications powered by Intel® Quark™ microcontroller D2000 and Espressif ESP8266 EX cores.

IOT2000 module architecture



IOT2000® use cases and applications

elite sistemas IOT2000® based devices successfully operate as sensor data processor as well as smart communication gateway in the following application types:


smart water

smart water

potable water monitoring: Monitor the quality of tap water in cities.

chemical leakage detection in rivers: Detect leakages and wastes of factories in rivers.

swimming pool remote measurement: Control remotely the swimming pool conditions.

pollution levels in the sea: Control realtime leakages and wastes in the sea.

water leakages: Detection of liquid presence outside tanks and pressure variations along pipes.

river floods: Monitoring of water level variations in rivers, dams and reservoirs.




wine quality enhancing: Monitoring soil moisture and trunk diameter in vineyards to control the amount of sugar in grapes and grapevine health.

green houses: Control micro-climate conditions to maximize the production of fruits and ve-getables and its quality.

golf courses: Selective irrigation in dry zones to reduce the water resources required in the green.

meteorological station network: Study of weather conditions in fields to forecast ice formation, rain, drought, snow or wind changes.

compost: Control of humidity and temperature levels in alfalfa, hay, straw, etc. to prevent fungus and other microbial contaminants.


industry 4.0

industry 4.0

m2m applications: Machine auto-diagnosis and assets control.

indoor air quality: Monitoring of toxic gas and oxygen levels inside chemical plants to ensure workers and goods safety.

temperature monitoring: Control of temperature inside industrial and medical fridges with sensitive merchandise.

ozone presence: Monitoring of ozone levels during the drying meat process in food factories.

indoor location: Asset indoor location by using active (ZigBee) and passive tags (RFID/NFC).

vehicle auto-diagnosis: Information collection from CanBus to send real time alarms to emergencies or provide advice to drivers.


car sharing / fleetmatics

car sharing

real time reports: Cummulative and real time reports on drivers

fuel savings: Monitoring in real time driving metrics

real time communication: Fleet managers and dispatchers can communicate better with drivers

maintenance improvement: Early diagnosyis of vehicle problems

driving optimisation: Driver behaviour modification

car opening control: Remotely controled for car sharing operation

fleet management: Through the GPS / Glodnass you can activate the best routes


smart metering

smart metering

smart grid: Energy consumption monitoring and management.

tank level:Monitoring of water, oil and gas levels in storage tanks and cisterns.

photovoltaic installations: Monitoring and optimization of performance in solar energy plants.

water flow: Measurement of water pressure in water transportation systems.

silos stock calculation:Measurement of emptiness level and weight of the goods.


smart vending

smart vending

real time operation: Know what's going on in the real-time field so you can dispatch more efficiently, improving customer service.

route improvement: Avoidance of unnecessary travels getting accurate and reliable information from field devices.

maintenance improvement: Early diagnosyis of vending maching problems.

dynamic price policy: Adapt your prices dynamically to make sure that you are not losing money due to the lost of perishable food or depending of external factors (temperature).

statistics: Know what's going on in the real-time with all your field devices.


smart cities

smart city

smart parking: Monitoring of parking spaces availability in the city.

smart lighting: Controlling the lighting of the different streetlightings 

noise urban maps: Sound monitoring in bar areas and centric zones in real time.

smartphone detection: Detect iPhone and Android devices and in general any device which works with WiFi or Bluetooth interfaces.

eletromagnetic field levels: Measurement of the energy radiated by cell stations and and WiFi routers.

traffic congestion: Monitoring of vehicles and pedestrian levels to optimize driving and walking routes.

smart lighting: Intelligent and weather adaptive lighting in street lights.

waste management: Detection of rubbish levels in containers to optimize the trash collection routes.

smart roads: Intelligent Highways with warning messages and diversions according to climate conditions and unexpected events like accidents or traffic jams.


fastest time-to-market

The plethora of use cases listed in previous paragraph are achieved by IOT2000® module customisation to fit any specific customer needs for their IoT device.

Custom ready-for-production application boards based on IOT2000® core module are designed, manufactured and tested in minimal time due to highly hardware and software reusable design, simplifying creation of specific end-to-end IoT solution.

IOT2000® core facilitates the creation of customised IoT devices for every application reusing a basic set of core capabilities as well as custom device drivers for each final user application.

IOT2000® development kit provides the tools required to allow immediate development of applications for IOT2000 core module.

IOT2000 development kit

technical references

IOT2000® industrial module | Product Brief

Intel® Quark™ microcontroller D2000 documentation

Espressif ESP8266 EX documentation





why vision analytics

The application of artificial intelligence to interpret and act on visual data can be used in a variety of fields, including child development, social media networks, retail analytics, intelligent video surveillance, smart traffic management, automotive driver assistance and thousands of other applications. Bringing these vision and imaging capabilities to the edge, to fulfill each customer need has been part of our product offering since 2002.

elite sistemas brings together technology that is enabling innovative and practical applications for computer vision. We inspire and empower customers to incorporate visual intelligence into new products and applications enabling them to accelerate success in computer vision applications.


our video and artificial vision analytics capabilities

elite sistemas licenses its own proprietary IP embedded vision systems and solutions that allow complex analytics over video including:

In-vehicle security. Driver distaction, presence, behaviour analysis, security events detection, adaptive cruise control and driver assistance features development.

Audience and retail analytics. Commercial and industrial workforce/audience behavioural analysis, eye and gaze tracking.

Road traffic analysis. Traffic flow metrics, security events classification, smoke and fire detection, driver and vehicle behaviour analytics.

License plate recognition. Video and static extraction, IR and color, multi-country, perspective agnostic.

Industry analytics. Systems for inspection, assembly, localization tasks, precision inspection, non-contact measurement, and robotics.

Customized clasiffication and features analysis. Tailored solutions to specific customer needs.


LPR example  

intelligence at the edge

elite sistemas vision technology leverages both classic and state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning algorithms. These algorithms are embedded into electronic devices to detect and recognize faces, identify objects, classify human actions in videos, track camera movements, track moving objects, follow eye movements, recognize scenery, etc.

Analytics example

Analytics example

embedded performance

elite sistemas designs video analytics solutions that maximize results from processing capabilities at the edge by leveraging FPGA / DSP or video accelerators available on target architectures.

Vision product kit example