why vision analytics

The application of artificial intelligence to interpret and act on visual data can be used in a variety of fields, including child development, social media networks, retail analytics, intelligent video surveillance, smart traffic management, automotive driver assistance and thousands of other applications. Bringing these vision and imaging capabilities to the edge, to fulfill each customer need has been part of our product offering since 2002.

elite sistemas brings together technology that is enabling innovative and practical applications for computer vision. We inspire and empower customers to incorporate visual intelligence into new products and applications enabling them to accelerate success in computer vision applications.


our video and artificial vision analytics capabilities

elite sistemas licenses its own proprietary IP embedded vision systems and solutions that allow complex analytics over video including:

In-vehicle security. Driver distaction, presence, behaviour analysis, security events detection, adaptive cruise control and driver assistance features development.

Audience and retail analytics. Commercial and industrial workforce/audience behavioural analysis, eye and gaze tracking.

Road traffic analysis. Traffic flow metrics, security events classification, smoke and fire detection, driver and vehicle behaviour analytics.

License plate recognition. Video and static extraction, IR and color, multi-country, perspective agnostic.

Industry analytics. Systems for inspection, assembly, localization tasks, precision inspection, non-contact measurement, and robotics.

Customized clasiffication and features analysis. Tailored solutions to specific customer needs.


LPR example  

intelligence at the edge

elite sistemas vision technology leverages both classic and state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning algorithms. These algorithms are embedded into electronic devices to detect and recognize faces, identify objects, classify human actions in videos, track camera movements, track moving objects, follow eye movements, recognize scenery, etc.

Analytics example

Analytics example

embedded performance

elite sistemas designs video analytics solutions that maximize results from processing capabilities at the edge by leveraging FPGA / DSP or video accelerators available on target architectures.

Vision product kit example